How To Identify the Right Teacher for Your Child


As a parent, you may find that your children fail to do well in school regardless of your best efforts. This could be because the subjects have gotten more complex; this is often the case as children advance through the years. It might also be because your child’s teacher fails to give them the attention they need. Another reason why children perform abysmally in school can be a lack of proper guidance from parents and guardians.

Parents often turn to procure teachers to offer extra tutorship to their children as a way to address any of the above situations. These teachers typically cater to a select number of students per time. This way, they have the flexibility and time to devote to your ward, ensuring that your child learns at a pace suitable to them.

However, what should you be looking for when choosing such a teacher for your child? Below is a list of some items that should be on your checklist if you are looking for a tutor for your child.

Steps To Finding the Right Teacher For Your Child

Here are three solid steps to ensure the teacher you pick for your child is the best fit.

1.    Ask (Yourself) the Right Questions

It would be counterintuitive to jump at the first teacher you find without planning appropriately. Taking out the time to plan saves you a lot of hassles down the line.

Some of the areas you should plan for include what area your child needs help in. The level and quality of help you think your child needs is also crucial as that’ll inform the teacher you choose. Also, factor in your child’s learning style. For example, some children are naturally slow learners. When you know this from the start, you’ll be able to eliminate impatient teachers.

2.   Consider Credentials

Once you have a list of teachers you are considering, the next step is to consider their credentials. First, you must be satisfied with the tutor’s educational background. Then next, and more importantly, you have to consider their teaching experience. Also, consider tutoring style, evaluation systems, and the hours they can commit to the job. There is no hard or fast rule to it. You should be able to narrow down your option to the best fit after speaking to the candidates one-to-one.

3.   How Much Can You Spare?

Your child will ostensibly be in a regular school. This means that the cost of a separate teacher will be additional. Thus, you need to consider your options carefully, so you will choose the best tutor available without compromising on quality. That is, the teacher you choose should be able to provide value, regardless of how much they charge.

What Should a Teacher Do for Your Child?

Explico-psle-blogIdeally, a tutor ought to augment the efforts of your child’s primary (classroom) teacher. Hence, the following should be your expectations if you need to hire a tutor for your child:

Prioritize Your Child

A teacher does little for you (and your child) if they don’t put your child’s needs first. Primarily, a teacher is supposed to improve on whatever your child’s school teacher does. A crucial area where there should be a marked difference is in the level of care and attention your child receives during tuition. Do your best to ensure that your child’s tutor has your child’s learning endeavor as their primary concern.

Provide Expertise

A teacher should be an expert in the particular area your child needs to improve on. This is especially the case if your child has advanced beyond the elementary classes. So, for instance, if your child struggles with Math, it would make the most sense to hire a proficient tutor in that area. The tutor hence guides your child in their area of weakness.

Assess Appropriately

A skilled teacher should be able to assess your child’s progress at any time. This would enable the teacher to realize what areas to work on and to decide if the style employed at each point works. A teacher should decipher your child’s needs through constant interactions and a two-way feedback process.

Give Constructive Feedback

A teacher should provide real-time feedback to your child. The feedback should tell the child what works and what doesn’t and point out the areas the child needs to improve. If your child’s tutor fails in the crucial area, you may want to switch them.

Explico provides you with excellent tutors for all of your child’s academic needs

What’s better than having a hands-on teacher tutoring your child? Having a hands-on teacher that employs artificial intelligence while figuring out your child’s needs! At Explico, we have teachers with decades of experience helping children of all ages and academic proficiency. Our teachers employ artificial intelligence to detect areas where children need help and formulate the perfect academic solution. Our reviews and testimonials speak to our efficiency! Reach out today, and let’s begin.

How To Identify the Right Teacher for Your Child
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