Parenting in the Digital Age: How to Handle Your Child’s Excessive Device Use | Explico


Living in a world driven by technology, it’s no surprise that it holds great importance in our everyday lives. We are surrounded by screens everywhere, from smartphones, tablets, laptops, and gaming devices. And while it makes things easier and offers convenience, it can also lead to several issues, especially regarding our children. Kids nowadays spend more and more time on their screens, leading to various problems, from poor sleeping habits to underdeveloped social skills. As a parent, it is expected to feel lost on how to deal with this. But fret not; in this blog post, we will discuss practical tips to help you deal with your child’s excessive device use healthily.

Understand and monitor their screen time.

While it’s essential to recognise that technology isn’t the enemy, it is crucial to setting limits. As a parent, you need to understand how much your child spends on their devices. Please keep track of their usage and set limits on screen time. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), children between two and five years old should have no more than one hour of screen time per day. For children over six, the AAP suggests setting a consistent limit on the time spent on a device.

Encourage physical activity and outdoor play.

Parents can also encourage their children to stay physically active by playing outdoors and setting limits on screen time. Children need physical activity to grow healthy, develop critical motor skills, and build strength. By setting rules that promote outdoor play, children can spend less time on their devices and improve their physical and social development.

Set a media-free hour or day.

One way to help decrease excessive screen time with your child is to establish media-free time at home. Consider setting aside an hour or two without devices every day or a day when there is no access to technology around the house. This could break the over-dependency on screens and increase bonding time between family members.

Discuss the importance of the internet and responsible usage.

In addition to screen time management, kids should also learn the importance of being responsible users. Discuss with your children the importance of using the internet and devices carefully. Talk about protecting their privacy online, avoiding cyberbullying, avoiding potentially harmful content, and using technology to learn and engage with the world around them. Consider developing and communicating household rules that reinforce proper device and internet usage.

Be a good role model.

Children learn by observing and imitating. Therefore, parents must regulate their device usage and set a good example. Parents can demonstrate the importance of good device habits by limiting their screen time and having device-free moments. Also, keep devices out of bedrooms and mealtimes. This reinforces the importance of quality family time and building strong relationships.

In conclusion, technology is here to stay, and it’s unrealistic to ban it altogether. However, parents must control their children’s screen time healthily to avoid negative consequences. The key is to recognise the dangers of excessive device use and take practical steps to manage the situation. By setting limits, encouraging outdoor play, promoting media-free time, teaching responsible device usage and leading by example, parents can help their children develop a balanced relationship with technology. Remember, regulating screen time is not about punishment but about creating a safe and controlled environment that promotes child development and healthy habits.

Parenting in the Digital Age: How to Handle Your Child’s Excessive Device Use | Explico
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