How Teaching “Cursive Writing” can help Your Children

Traditional forms of communication, like cursive writing, are being pushed aside in our fast-paced digital world. While many schools today still teach cursive writing, it’s becoming an optional skill. However, as parents, we know there are many benefits to teaching our children cursive writing. Cursive writing helps with handwriting skills, enhances brain development, and is an important part of our cultural heritage.

How Exercise Benefits Children Physically and Mentally

Did you know that physical activity does more than strengthen a child’s muscles and bones and prevent excessive weight gain and chronic diseases? It also has profound benefits for their mental health. Experts say physical activity helps children build confidence, manage anxiety and depression, and improve self-esteem and cognitive skills. Exercise even releases endorphins, which can lead to a happier child.

How to Effectively Manage Different Aspects of Education with Your Child.

Parents always want the best for their children, and one of the most important things we want is to ensure that they receive the best education possible. However, managing different aspects of teaching with your child can be a bit challenging. From choosing the right school to helping with homework and extracurricular activities, being organized […]

Effective Time Management: How To Teach Your Child to Work Smart

Time management is one of the essential skills for kids. It influences every aspect of their lives, from self-confidence to motivation, academic performance, and handling complex situations. Research affirms that time management improves children’s academic performance, well-being, and life satisfaction.  Therefore, teaching your kids effective time-management skills is how to set them up for success […]

Simple Arithmetic Skills You Could Teach Your Child

Various research has shown why math is critical for kids. A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience reveals that children who engage in regular mathematical activity have healthier brains, increasing their attention and focus. In addition, the earlier kids learn math, the earlier they build critical life skills like self-confidence, decision-making, a growth mindset, […]

What Your Kid’s Learning Styles Say About Them

Identifying your kids’ learning styles is one of the most effective ways to help them succeed academically. Children assimilate and retain information better when supported by their preferred learning styles. They are also more likely to select the best subjects, skills, and careers in tune with their learning styles.  As a result, learning is less […]

How To Make Periodic Assessment A Positive Experience for Kids 

How To Make Periodic Assessment A Positive Experience for Kids  Learning is a journey. In this journey, even amongst kids in the same class, we won’t find every child in the same place. For this reason, periodic assessments have become a regular feature of the academic program in many schools.  Periodic assessments help to achieve […]

Getting Started With Team-Based Learning: Definition and Benefits

Right now, somewhere around the world, a student is enduring a boring lesson. On the other hand, parents and teachers are desperate to have an idea of how much their students know even while teaching is in progress. To solve these challenges and more, many schools have adopted team-based learning (TBL).  Make no mistake, standard […]

Teaching Your Child to Overcome Performance Anxiety During Examination

Many children get stressed with school activities, especially when they have a big test or examination coming up. However, worrying or being anxious won’t make your kids feel any better; rather, it makes it more difficult for them to focus at the moment. Performance anxiety is something that many adults have experienced at some point. […]

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