The PSLE English Oral Exam Details and Expert Tips to Help Your Child


Communication is a skill that everyone needs to master. This becomes evident when we consider the importance of an oral exam, which makes up about 15% of one’s final grade. It can be difficult for students because they often think it will go well and then are surprised at how tough it ends up being–but there may still be hope! With proper preparation and practice, anything could happen; after all, communication skills should always come first in life. 

What should you do just before PSLE ORAL Exam? Few Point: 

1. Remember to take deep breaths and stay calm

2. Be confident in your answers – think about the question before answering it

3. Make sure you answer all parts of the question

4. Don’t give a long-winded answer when a short one will do

5. Avoid saying “I don’t know” or “I can’t remember,” as this would be seen as an admission of guilt by the examiner

6. Prepare a list of possible words to use in your speech

7. Practice speaking aloud 

8. Know what you want to say and how you will say it by practicing with friends or family members who can give you feedback on your performance

The oral examination accounts for 15% of your child’s PSLE English grade. Therefore, this component is worth a sizable portion of the overall marks, and thus, it’s an important chance to secure crucial points in this area.

Part 1: Reading aloud (10 marks)

Part 2: Stimulus-based conversation (20 marks)

 The oral exam is the next stage in a challenging journey through secondary school. Students will be given about 5 minutes to prepare before meeting with examiners. The first part of this examination requires students to read from a short passage – after all, you can’t become culturally literate without knowing how people used their vocal cords back when they had more time on their hands than we do today! In the second half of the test, candidates must verbally articulate views on various stimuli (usually some image), while answering questions posed by these scary-looking individuals sitting behind desks made out square like coffins for your dead

 Now It’s important to know what an examiner is doing and why, so let’s explore the process of scoring.

PART – 1

Many things affect how articulate someone is. Fluency and pronunciation, articulation (of thoughts), appropriate expression(s), and sense of rhythm all factor into it to some degree or another.

PART – 2

You should be able to provide a personal response when asked about the stimulus, and you have to be good at engaging in a relevant conversation.

Students face many common problems which is very common; 

  1. The student might be faced with a tough question during the stimulus-based conversation. When this happens, you may feel like your brain has gone blank and can’t think of an answer. No worries though! There are ways to get past these mental blocks so that you’re ready for any difficult questions on the PSLE test.
  2. It’s not easy speaking in front of a stranger, let alone an examiner. Hesitation and anxiety towards public speaking are not uncommon, especially with texting over verbal communication nowadays. Sometimes it can be unnerving voicing your thoughts or opinions in front of others for fear that you’ll either get ignored or ridiculed, but there are ways to cope if this happens! The first step may involve making sure you’re well-rested when possible–since lack thereof will affect our mental state negatively without us even realizing it–and avoiding caffeine before big presentations (as much as we love coffee). If nerves persist despite these small steps, then set up strategies ahead on how best deal with them so they
  3. Lack of confidence

How to prepare for PSLE Oral: 

  1. Practice/Mock Session: Parents, what are some topics for conversation that your child can practice? Maybe you could keep a list of discussion points and pick one at random every day to talk about. Ask them their opinion on current events or things happening in their life. You could have mock exam sessions with someone other than the parents, so they get out of their comfort zone and experience an examination closely!
  2. Speak Proper English: Encourage your child to talk with their friends and other willing people in English as much as possible. You can help them form study groups or have regular conversation practices to prepare for the subject matter. If you know how to speak a little bit of broken English when they are around too! This will ensure that language is used properly without many Singlish interjections occurring at all times either.
  3. Try to identify the weaknesses and strengths of your child, then work on them! Record your child reading and speaking, then play it back for them- if they come across mistakes while practicing their speech therapy exercises, ask that they write those down to focus on correcting them during sessions tomorrow.
  4. Craft a strong conclusion: After your child has expressed their views, the best way to end a conversation is by reiterating their topic sentences and summing up what they were trying to say. This will make them feel like you are listening and give them confidence in thinking that they could have an honest discussion with someone who cares about what they believe.

Preparing for the exams is a lot of work, but don’t forget to take care of yourself and your children! Make sure they’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising. Remember that you are an important part of their success as well – so make sure YOU’RE prepared too!

The PSLE English Oral Exam Details and Expert Tips to Help Your Child
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    Are you looking for a way to help your child prepare for their PSLE?
    The best way to prepare for any examination is with practice papers or workbooks – but they can only take you so far. That’s why we also offer mock examinations that will condition your child to perform under an examination environment and emotional readiness sessions that will help them manage some level of expectations during the actual examination.
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