PSLE TIPS: how to improve your child’s focus?

When it comes time for your child to do homework, do you often feel like you need to close all of your doors and windows and force your child to sit still long enough to complete the work?

Has your child’s teacher expressed concern about their ability to pay attention in class? Unfortunately, this is a common scenario with many school-aged children, and unfortunately, it interferes with their ability to learn.

So what’s the solution? According to experts, interventions focus on teaching your child how to use their most effective brain to improve concentration, memory, and attention span over time.

Here are five tips for helping your child boost their attention span, whether in school or at home.

1. Get Moving! Exercise has been shown to increase blood flow in the brain by up to 20%, which leads to more oxygen being delivered there. So to motivate them to exercise daily. The benefits are two-fold––they will be better able to focus, and they’ll have more energy throughout the day.

2. Focus on One Task: Multitasking has been shown to cause stress, which can actually make it more difficult to concentrate. Instead of handing your child a list and commanding them to complete tasks, work on one task at a time with him. For example, start by asking only for the first assessment book topic completed before going onto the next. Then allow your child some breathing room within their study session instead of demanding that they finish three topics in total altogether.

3. Reward System: An effective reward system requires some effort. It needs to be detailed, include requirements, and the reward itself should not get too boring over time by switching it out for something else instead. Keep in mind your child might lose interest if you offer them similar rewards frequently so make sure to change things up!

4. Talk to your child’s teacher: Understanding what your child is being taught in class and the type of teaching methods used can be a great way to better understand their homework. It also helps you ensure that he understands the material presented in school by asking questions, keeping an open line of communication, and offering a helping hand when needed. This will help your kids to focus more in the class, too.

5. Schedule the study plan with them: Children tend to get distracted easily while studying. Turn off their gadgets (phones, video game consoles, etc.) around study time since these types of distractions don’t help your child’s focus or attention span at all. This will also give them more energy during their study session instead of constantly checking up on social media sites every five minutes! If possible, put a full stop for 10 minutes and then check if they are on track. Remember, it is never too late to begin helping your kids shift towards focusing more.

Many people struggle with being able to focus and pay attention. ADHD is a common disorder in which sufferers have trouble focusing their minds on anything for long periods, mainly if it’s not exciting or engaging enough. If you find that nothing works when trying to improve your child’s ability to concentrate, consider seeking medical help from professionals who specialize in this field so they can diagnose the problem accurately.

PSLE TIPS: how to improve your child’s focus?
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    Are you looking for a way to help your child prepare for their PSLE?
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